Directorate of Library and Documentation




Purpose, Scope, Basis



ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this directive is to regulate the principles and procedures regarding the use of library services by the academic and administrative staff and students of the Library affiliated to Konya Technical University Library and Documentation Department, and the working and service policies of the Library and Documentation Department.


ARTICLE 2- (1) This directive covers the provisions regarding the central and other libraries affiliated to Konya Technical University Library and Documentation Department.



ARTICLE 3- (1) This directive has been prepared on the basis of Article 33 of the Decree Law No. 124 on Higher Education Upper Institutions and the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Institutions and Article 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 dated 04.11.1981.



ARTICLE 4- (1) In this Directive the definitions refer to;

a. Unit Libraries; Libraries of Faculties, Institutes and Schools of Konya Technical University

b. Head of department; Library and Documentation Department,

c. Branch Office; The administrative unit attached to the head of department,

d. Material; All kinds of materials that can be used in libraries,

e. University; Konya Technical University,

f. Senate; Konya Technical University Senate.




Library General Usage Rules


Library General Usage Rules

ARTICLE 5- (1) The general rules to be followed in the use of the library;

a. Food and beverages are not consumed in the library building, reading halls and corridors, except water.

b. It is not allowed to talk on cell phones in the library building.

c. No shooting is allowed in the library with unauthorized cameras, cameras, mobile phones and similar devices.

d. Users are responsible for their own belongings. The Library and Documentation Department is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

e. Do not speak loudly in the reading rooms and corridors.

f. Borrowing and returns are completed fifteen minutes before the library closes.

g. In case of non-compliance with the library rules, the user is obliged to heed the warnings of the library staff.

h. A user who damages library information resources and belongings (chairs, tables, etc.) is reported to the Rector's Office in order to take necessary legal action.

i. In the event that information resources are taken out of the library or attempted to be taken out of the library without permission, the Rector's Office is notified in order to take necessary legal action against the user who takes this action.




Library System, Conditions for Using the Library and Lending Principles


Library System

ARTICLE 6- (1) The library uses an automation system with modules such as purchasing, cataloguing, lending, periodicals, and reservation. All kinds of resources provided in various ways are processed through this system. The system is regularly updated with annual maintenance agreements.

(2) Library personnel using the system are authorized by the company providing the system and use the automation system with personal passwords for automation security.

ARTICLE 7- (1) The cataloguing and classification processes of all resources are carried out according to the LC Cataloguing Rules and the Library of Congress Classification System and their records are transferred to the computer environment in MARC format.


Conditions for Using the Library

ARTICLE 8- (1) Members; Academic and administrative staff working at Konya Technical University, and associate degree, undergraduate and graduate students are the natural members of the library.

a. All users agree to abide by the Library Guidelines.

b. The user is obliged to comply with the "Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works" while using information resources. The user cannot impose any legal responsibility on the university due to his/her opposition to this article.


Lending Principles

ARTICLE 9- (1) The lending rules that library members must comply with:

a. Members are required to show their university or institution identity cards when borrowing information resources.

b. Information resources cannot be borrowed or extended with another member's identity card.

c. Users cannot transfer received broadcasts to other people.

d. The number of books that can be borrowed, the return and extension periods are as follows;




 Academical personal



3 extension

 Administrative Staff



2 extension

 Degree/PhD student



2 extension

 Licence/Associate Student



2 extension


e. The user with the overdue information source cannot borrow a new information source and extend the period without returning this information source.

f. Extension of the usage period of information resources can be done from the library.

g. The library has the right to request the return of borrowed information sources, without waiting for the return date, when it deems necessary.

h. If the user applies, the borrowed information source can be extended again if there is no other bidder.

i. Unbound journals, reference books, master's and doctoral theses, rare works, works published in foreign languages, atlas and maps, audio-visual materials, musical notes, collection pieces, artistic materials, reserved works can be borrowed on a temporary basis when they are approved by the Head of Library and Documentation Department.

j. It is obligatory to keep the receipts received in the transactions made in the self-check device.

k. The number of books that can be borrowed, loan periods and extension periods and numbers can be rearranged by the Library and Documentation Department when necessary.


Resource Usage Time Extension

ARTICLE 10 - (1) Extension of time is the process of "requesting a re-use period" at the end of the loan period in accordance with the rules, if there is no request for use by another user of the resources borrowed by the members. Rules for the procedure:

a. Users can make the extension of the borrowed resources by coming to the library.

b. For the borrowed information resource, an extension can be made through the library automation system, starting from the second day of the loan from the lending counter, if necessary, three days before the return period.

c. The resource whose extension right has expired is not loaned to the same user again. Publications in this condition can be lent to the same person after one day on the shelf.

d. Extensions cannot be made for resources reserved by someone else.

e. Extensions cannot be made for users with delayed broadcast and day penalties.

f. Information resources purchased and transferred to the library within the scope of the projects such as BAP (Scientific Research Projects), ÖYP (Instructor Training Project) etc. are loaned to the user with a report to be returned in use at the end of the project or program period. In case of damage or loss, library rules apply.


Release Reservation

ARTICLE 11- (1) Reservations can be made for resources on other users. If the resource is not received within 1 (one) day after it is returned to the Library by the other user, the reservation will be cancelled. Members can make reservations up to the maximum number of books they can borrow. Reservations cannot be made for publications on the shelf. Academic, Administrative staff and students can make reservations from the library on the library website.


Non-Returned Books and Other Information Resources

ARTICLE 12- (1) If the borrowed information resources are not returned on the day, a penalty of not being able to borrow for 2 (two) days is applied for each day.

(2) It is not the library's responsibility to remind the return date. It is the user's responsibility to return borrowed information resources in a timely manner.

(3) In order to cancel the penalty for book days, donations are made on the condition that 1 (one) book is donated until the 1st-20th day, and 1 (one) book is donated for every 20 (twenty) days thereafter. Donation; The book requested to be purchased will be one of the professional books determined by the Library and Documentation Department.




Processing Damaged Information Resources, Processing Lost Information Resources, and Disconnecting from the Library


Processing of Damaged Information Sources

ARTICLE 13- (1) The user is requested to provide the current edition of the source he/she damaged.

(2) Those who damage information sources inside and outside the library in any way are requested to provide the exact same source of information.


Processing of Lost Information Resources

ARTICLE 14- (1) In case of loss of the borrowed information source:

a. The user is asked to provide the current edition of the lost resource.

b. In case of not being able to supply, the equivalent of the source is requested to be provided.

c. Unless the source is provided, lending is not carried out.


Dismissal from the Library

ARTICLE 15- (1) University academic and administrative staff and students must obtain a document stating that they do not have a relationship with the library before leaving the institution. Academic and administrative staff, who leave the university on leave for a certain period of time, retire or resign, cannot leave the university without returning the information resources they borrowed from the library and completing the dismissal process.

(2) A student who has graduated from the university cannot obtain a diploma or exit certificate without having his/her dismissal document approved by the library.

(3) Students, academic and administrative staff and other library members who leave the university with books borrowed from the library and registered on him/her are reported to the Rectorate for legal action.

(4) These transactions are carried out under the coordination of the Library and Documentation Department, in cooperation with the Student Affairs Department and the Personnel Department.




Reserve Resources (Course Resources Service) and Internet Access


Reserve Resources (Course Resources Service)

ARTICLE 16- (1) It is the service for the textbooks and supplementary textbooks that are intended to be used intensively within the scope of a course in the academic year which will be provided by the lecturers, lecture notes, photocopies of articles, etc. Faculty members who want to benefit from this service may notify the library of the resources related to the course they will give and request that they be kept in the reserve section. These resources can be loaned hourly at the request of readers.


Internet access

ARTICLE 17- (1) The library provides wireless internet access service. Internet access rules:

a. Legal action will be taken against users who damage computer software and hardware. In these computers; it is forbidden to chat, play games and use it other than for research purposes.

b. Users who benefit from the wireless network service can connect to the internet with their own computers.

c. It is forbidden to download illegal content by connecting to the wireless network.




Miscellaneous and Final Provisions General Collection Policy

ARTICLE 18- (1) General collection policy is collection development, renewal and expansion of the collection. The library collection development policy is determined in line with the education, training, research areas and cultural needs of the university.

(2) The main objectives of the library in creating collections are as follows:

a. To provide books, journals, electronic information resources, visual and audio resources in order to support teaching and intellectual activities.

b. To provide the necessary resources for research.

c. To provide essential and auxiliary resources for each course.

d. To provide reference resources related to each subject.


Source Selection Criteria

ARTICLE 19- (1) All resources that will enter the library collection through purchase or donation are selected according to the following criteria, provided that they clearly comply with the general education and training objectives of the university and its determined objectives:

a. Compliance with the programs of the university in terms of subject and language,

b. Compliance with the books and non-book resources in the field currently in the collection,

c. The importance and status of the author or editor,

d. The cost of the resource,

e. used in bibliographies,

f. Suggestions of university lecturers,

g. The reliability and standards of the publisher and the proposals and decisions of the Library Commission, if any,

h. The suitability of the physical form,

i. Resources proposed and decided by the library commission.


Donation Policy

ARTICLE 20- (1) Books, periodicals and non-book materials donated to the library are evaluated and accepted by the Information Source Selection Commission of 3 people, formed by the Head of the Library and Documentation Department, within the collection development policy.


Criteria for Information Source Selection

ARTICLE 21- (1) The criteria regarding the selection of information sources are as follows:

a. The publications to be donated must have the qualifications suitable for a university library, have not lost their up-to-date and scientific character, be suitable for the education given at the university, or support researchers socially and culturally.

b. In the publications related to science, current sources should be, and in the social sciences, there should be publications that have the quality of literary works.

c. If the publications given by the newspapers as incentives vary in terms of paper, printing and content, donations cannot be accepted.

d. Publications that are not physically clean, have missing pages, or are excessively worn cannot be accepted as donations.

e. In periodicals; Publications that do not provide the integrity of the volume, publications that do not provide integrity with the current collection and single issues cannot be accepted as donations.

f. Primary education, high school textbooks, duplication, lecture notes, publications and materials with photocopied features cannot be accepted as donations.

g. A special collection or shelf cannot be created within the library for donors in a way that would disrupt the integrity of the collection.

h. The authority and rights to put the publications on the shelf or to send them as donations and exchanges to another institution's library for duplicates belong to the Library and Documentation Department.

i. The library is not responsible for announcing the list of donated information resources. In addition, a list of donated information sources is kept.

j. The information sources donated are stamped by the Library and Documentation Department as "It is the donation of …………".

k. The information resources suitable for the library collection are taken into the inventory number and subjected to the processes for other information resources and added to the collection. A letter of appreciation is sent to the person or institution that donates five resources on behalf of our university.

l. Donors cannot claim any rights or demands regarding their donations.