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Our Faculty Member Became a Researcher in the Project Supported by TUBITAK 1001 Polar Call

Dr. Hatice Ünal Ercan, one of our faculty members, took part as a researcher in the project to be supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1001 Polar Call. Konya Technical University started to be represented in Antarctica with this project.


The joint project initiated by Dr. Hatice Ünal Ercan, one of the faculty members of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Processing Technologies of the Vocational School of Technical Sciences of our University, with the Department of Geological Engineering of Istanbul Technical University was deemed worthy of support by TÜBİTAK.


The project titled "Geochemical Characterization of Acidic Rock Drainage (Akd) in Maritime Antarctica - Barton Peninsula and Determination of Potential Environmental and Ecological Risk", which will be carried out under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Nurgül Çelik Balcı from Istanbul Technical University Geological Engineering Department, has been entitled to be supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1001 Polar Call. In the project, our faculty member Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr. Hatice Ünal Ercan is involved in the project as a researcher.



Konya Technical University KTUN