Our University's Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Department of Environmental Engineering Research Assistant Taylan Dolu was awarded the first prize for his thesis written at the ‘Most Successful Doctoral Dissertation Awards in the Field of Environment’ event organized annually by the Environmental Foundation aimed at raising awareness of the environmental issues.
The aim of the event was to maximize the scientific, technological, social and cultural contributions of doctoral theses in the field of environment, to improve quality and to raise awareness in environmental studies. The application topics of the event were composed of many different studies such as transportation, forestry, climate change, wastewater treatment / recovery, materials, architectural design, urbanism, health, energy, tourism, education and sociology. The dissertation evaluations were carried out by the referees with respect to the originality of the dissertation, its widespread impact, and the nature of the publications made from the dissertation.
The subject of the thesis, which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Bilgehan Nas from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural sciences, was “The Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Advanced Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant, Their Removal by Membrane Processes and Their Transition to Soil and Plants with Different Agricultural Applications”.
Doctoral dissertations conducted in different disciplines that directly or indirectly relate to the environmental dimension were among the goals aimed at contributing to the further enrichment of the “Most Successful Doctoral Dissertation Awards in the Field of Environment” event and further serving the intended purpose.