Chemistry and Chemical Processing Technologies

Head of Department: Professor Doctor MUSTAFA TOPKAFA

Erasmus Coordinator: Assistant. Prof. İLYAS DEVECİ

Farabi Coordinator: Professor Doctor MUSTAFA TOPKAFA

Mevlana Coordinator: Professor Doctor MUSTAFA TOPKAFA

Purpose: The Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Technology aims to train qualified  professional staff knowledgeable in the field of basic chemistry and chemistry technology, able to transform  their knowledge and experience into practical applications, open to social and technological innovations, self-confident, entrepreneurial, productive, respectful to human and environment, acting as a bridge between chemical engineers and chemists and workers  in line with scientific and technological developments and having gained the necessary professional qualifications.

Vision: Our vision is to train occupational staff who are beneficial to the society, sensitive to the environment, and having acquired the necessary professional competencies in line with scientific and technological developments.

Mission: Our mission is to train technical staff knowledgeable in the field of basic chemistry and chemistry technology, able to transform their knowledge and experience into practical applications, open to social and technological innovations, entrepreneurial, self-confident, productive, and respectful to human and environment

Medium of Instruction: Turkish

Description of the Program: It is an associate degree program aiming to equip the students with professional and academic qualifications.

Admission and Registration Requirements: Within the framework of the conditions determined by the Higher Education Law No. 2547, the Higher Education Council and the Student Selection and Placement Centre (OSYM) students can enrol in our programs depending on the quota on condition that they have a high school and equivalent school diploma and have obtained enough marks in the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) Basic Proficiency Test (TYT). The associate degree programs that the graduates of Vocational and Technical High Schools can enrol by obtaining additional marks are explained in the HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION EXAM (YKS) GUIDELINE.

Recognition of Previous Learning: Students who have previously studied in another higher education institution can apply for exemption from some courses. For this, they have to submit the transcript and course content as explained in the terms of application. They can be exempted from the appropriate courses after necessary evaluations

Requirements for Graduation: In order to graduate from this associate degree program, students must be successful in all courses in the Program curriculum and must have at least 120 ECTS credits and must complete 2 compulsory workplace internships (Industry Based Education-IBE) consisting of 30 working days. Students are trained for 2 years (4 terms) in this program.

The Principles of Assessment and Evaluation: Assessment and Evaluation process is based on Konya Technical University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Exam Regulations. In-class activities are carried out by the academic staff by transferring them to the students at the beginning of the semester.

Employment Opportunities: Graduates can work in many private sectors such as glass factories, rubber and rubber factories, cement factories, paper factories, sugar factories, paint factories, food industry, pharmaceutical industry, fertilizer factories, soil industry, cosmetics and cleaning industry, energy industry, oil industry, automotive factories, metal industry, leather industry, shipyards, textile industry, petrochemical, health industry, mining industry, construction industry, etc. Those working at public institutions are subject to the Civil Servants Law No. 657, they start with the 2nd stage of the 10th degree in Technical Services.

Transition to Higher Degree Programs: Students can take the Vertical Transfer Examination (DGS) held by ÖSYM every year and continue their undergraduate education by transferring to the faculties related to their field indicated in DGS catalogue.