Distance Education Application and Research Centre

What Is Dıstance Educatıon?

Distance Learning; In today's conditions, education and training can be carried out rapidly in today's conditions, where live, video and audio lessons are taught in a completely virtual environment through existing computer technologies, completely independent of time and place, without the necessity of the student and lecturer to come to the campus. It is a rational, modern and innovative education system.


Why Distance Education?


  • It is student-centred.
  • There is equal opportunity in education provided by technology.
  • Provides education opportunities for physically handicapped students.
  • It seeks the way to unlimited life-long learning.
  • It is an education system that can serve a wide range of students.
  • Eliminates geographical and regional barriers as it is independent of time and place.
  • Provides lectures with rich, advanced and interactive tools.
  • Provides access to the teaching environment and content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • It is indispensable for people who do not benefit from traditional education.
  • It ensures that those who have to work at a job can both spare time for their family and continue their education.
  • It gives people who interrupt their education due to marriage, having children or other reasons the chance to continue where they left off.
  • It can provide training services to individuals with different qualifications with different applications.
  • It allows each student to learn at their own pace.
  • All transactions made are recorded and accessible at any time.
  • It paves the way for the increase, change and diversification of knowledge and skills.
  • It is a system that can offer a wide variety of communication technologies to education services.
  • It gives the opportunity to access information quickly and easily.
  • Offers equal opportunities to disadvantaged groups who cannot attend formal education.
  • It eliminates additional expenses such as transportation, accommodation, accommodation, nutrition required in face-to-face education.
  • Provides an interactive and dynamic learning process with the instructors; In face-to-face trainings, individuals who avoid asking questions or expressing opinions willingly, offer various communication options where they can express themselves.
  • Being independent of the place, Distance Education allows students (participants) to receive education of the quality they want wherever they have internet access.