Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Volkan KALEM

Erasmus Co-ordinator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa KOCABAŞ

Farabi Coordinator: Asst. Prof. Dr. Mustafa KOCABAŞ

Purpose: The Department targets to produce Metallurgical and Materials Engineering graduates 1- having professional knowledge in examination and determination of the properties of current engineering materials, and in development of new ones, 2- adapted to analytical thinking and lifelong learning, 3- capable to post-graduate education, 4- capable of producing solutions to problems in his/her own profession, and 5- with a care in social, scientific and ethical values.

Vision: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, both nationally and internationally recognized in its field, working for the benefit of society and humanity, educating competent academicians in their fields and producing knowledge and technology with their technical infrastructure, contributing to regional and national development, training specialist Metallurgical engineers, to be a leading internationally accredited department, preferred by students and graduates are easily employed in business life.

Mission: Having senior academic staff and signature physical infrastructure, adopting an ethical understanding, participating in decision-making mechanisms, sharing and transparent, supporting university-industry cooperation, responding to the problems of the region and country industry, conducting scientific and applied research studies, publishing scientific data from these studies and transfers to the industry; It aims to create a department to training engineers, equipped with sufficient knowledge and skills in the field of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, can research and think analytically, be culturally equipped, prone to teamwork, take authority and responsibility in its field, do not compromise on professional ethics, produce solutions and train engineers with a broad horizon.

Program Language: Turkish

Program Description: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering focuses on the design, development, production of metal, ceramic and polymer based engineering materials starting from natural or synthetic raw materials of inorganic and organic origin and adapting their properties to technical needs in various industries.

Admissions Requirements: Students are admitted to our department according to the score they receive from YKS Examination conducted by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).

Recognition of Prior Learning: Transfer students have the right to be exempted to take the courses that they had been successful in their earlier education. The list of the courses to be exempted is decided by MME Department Adaptation Committee after comparing the courses received with the courses plan in our curriculum and corresponding grades received.

Graduation Requirements: Students should fulfill the necessary credit requirements of 240 ECTS in total and receive a GPA standing of at least 2.00/4.00 , totally 40 weekdays summer practice end of the 4th and 6th semesters (Industry and management), 7th and 8th semesters engineering design courses should be take and also success in order to graduate.

Principles of Assessment and Evaluation: Course passing system is applied in our department. One or two midterm exams are conducted for the courses, and studies such as laboratories, quizzes, projects etc. are made. The final exam is held at the end of the semester, 40% of the average grade obtained from the mid-term studies and 60% of the grade received in the final exam constitute the passing grade of the students. Students' success is evaluated over 4.00 (numerical grading system). The equivalence of the scores of the students over 100 in the 4.00 numerical equivalent system is expressed in letters such as AA, BA, BB, CB, CC. Letter equivalent of grades over 100 : 90-100 AA 4.00 / 85-89 BA 3.50 / 75-84 BB 3.00 / 70-74 CB 2.50 / 60-69 CC 2.00 / 55-59 DC 1.50 / 50-54 DD 1.00 / 40-49 FD 0.50 / 0-39 FF 0,00 / absenteeism F 0,00 / FD, FF: failure.  F means that No right to take the final exam due to absenteeism or incomplete practical course. At least CC is required to pass a course However, students with a semester average of 2.00 or above are considered successful in courses graded as DD or CC.

Employment Opportunities: Our graduates work as distinguished staff in various institutions and research centers domestically. A distinctive feature of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering is that graduates of this field have extensive job opportunities. This is due to the fact that approximately 70% of all existing sectors are related to the material. While our graduates take part in production facilities in integrated facilities such as iron and steel, ceramics, glass, or medium-sized by-products, on the other hand, working in sectors such as defense, petrochemical, energy, aviation and automotive, white goods, etc. In this second field, which covers a very wide range, the necessity of developing fast and innovative products in recent years has offered new opportunities to material engineers in the fields of design and research and development. In addition, a significant number of entrepreneurial graduates establishing their own small-scale enterprises are active in the fields of casting, heat treatment, powder metallurgy, surface coatings, composite production, etc. Some of the industries that our department graduates can work in: Iron-Steel and Casting Non-Ferrous Metal Production, Automotive, Public Research Institutions, Defense Industry, Ceramics and Glass, Energy, Hardware and Machinery Production, Polymer, Electronic Welding and Non-Destructive Inspection.

Jump to Top Degree Programs: Our department constitutes the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department of the graduate school of natural and applied sciences. Students have been admitted to our Master and Doctorate Program since 2011.